To those of you who have been here before -- Thank you for sharing in this mission of Love with over the years. 

To those who are visiting or the first time -- I've left my bio on here for you to get a glimpse into the way I've chosen to be of service. 

In Reverence and Love -- 




Artist, Designer & Transformational Guide

Paola Ucelo is a Guatemalan multidisciplinary artist, Designer, and Mentor.  Through her initiation in  eastern and Earth-based traditions, she integrates the most effective concepts, and healing modalities such as somatic therapy, breathwork, movement, art, rituals, and shamanic teachings to create containers of transformation. 

Offering people tools and perspective shifts to design a life in alignment with their most authentic vision.  

Whether it’s through her life changing 1:1 Mentorships, retreats, art, creative projects- Paola’s work is an offering of love and service to the empowerment of our collective and has already impacted hundreds of women all over the world.

"My life has changed in so many beautiful ways since working with Paola. I have felt a radical sense of expansion and liberation since the beginning of our journey together. I feel so much more connected to my true essence. I feel more alive and powerful than I have in years. I am able to love and honor myself in ways that I previously never thought were possible."

Arielle D'Angelo
LGBTQ+ Self-Love Coach & Founder of an LGBTQ+ Personal Development Company

"The tools that Paola shares and the way in which she holds space have been pillars in achieving daily goals. My 6 months with Paola laid the foundation for bringing to fruition the next goals of my life. Take a leap of faith. silence your ego and follow your heart. If you're serious about shedding old behaviors/patterns and desire to self actualize and step into your power, then you are in the right place with Paola. "

Phanie Mixelle
Herbal Nutritionist & Founder of Apothecary for the People

"The trust I have built within myself and rewriting my narrative has changed me as a person, my foundation, my habits, self-image and my behavior in so many ways. This work turned out to be the biggest and most radical transformation and improvement of my entire being. "

Amanda Gravesen
Artist & Entrepreneur

"I feel much more empowered, open and trusting in myself and my actions. My choices overall are in alignment with my souls deepest desires. The days and weeks fluctuate, but overall I feel that immense growth has transpired."

Corrie Novak
Massage therapist, Cacao steward & Musician

50% Complete

Two Step

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